I am sure that you are here to find SAT books. Read it through and you will surely find some really useful material for SAT preparation. Most important things that matter before you give any type of entrance test are your vocabulary and grammar. This is because, today, being able to write an speak English is very essential in order to pave your road to success. And having a good vocabulary and grammar means good writing skills. Unfortunately, if you have a good vocabulary it does not mean that you are a fluent speaker.  Being able to speak English fluently is something that comes from practice. But don't worry we talk about this too.
I have given some amazing book reviews below along with some links of those websites where you can get them. So read it through!

1- SAT Power Vocab, 2nd Edition by Princeton Review

First of all, lets improve your vocabulary. I personally think that cramming a lot of words is not the best way to improve your vocabulary, however, it's what most book authors and tutors recommend. But we are not going to do that. Princeton review's power vocab do not make you cram hundreds of words. Instead it teaches you how you can use the roots of words to guess the meaning of words in context.
It also includes a word list at the end of each chapter which includes the words that often appear on SAT.

                SAT Power Vocab, 2nd Edition - A Complete Guide to Vocabulary Skills and Strategies for the SAT ebook by The Princeton Review\


2- 4th Edition, The Ultimate Guide to SAT Grammar 

If you search the internet to find the best SAT prep book you will probably find the "The Official Study Guide by college". It is in fact the best book for SAT preparation but I don't think you should not start your preparation from this book. It includes 10 practice tests which are the only tests released by College Board. So you should not waste these tests. Instead prepare yourself and when you think you are ready then solve these tests under exam conditions. "The Ultimate Guide to SAT Grammar" is not a typical grammar book telling you where to put 'he' and where to put 'she', instead it has sample passages just like actual test along with questions to prepare you for the test. It is really a good book and one must read it all before putting his hands on official practice tests.


3- Oxford English Grammar Series 

Oxford English Grammar Course Basic With Answers Michael Swan

This book is not for SAT as college board does not test you on basic grammar. But this book is really helpful for those candidates who are giving TOEFL or IELTS. These English proficiency exams require you to write short essays and rookie grammatical mistakes decrease your score. "Oxford English Grammar Course" has three books categorized as basic, intermediate and advanced. I advise you to start with intermediate as basic variant contains way too basic grammar. Then you should move on to Advanced variant and finally practice on "Oxford Practice Grammar Supplementary Exercises".

                        Oxford English Grammar Course Basic with Answers CD-ROM Pack

                        Oxford English Grammar Course (Intermediate) – Kashmir Book Store

Oxford English Grammar Course intermediate With Answers Michael Swan:

                        Oxford English Grammar Course: Advanced with Answers CD-ROM Pack ...

Oxford English Grammar Course Advanced With Answers Michael Swan:

                        Oxford Practice Grammar: Advanced Supplementary Exercises

Oxford Practice Grammar Supplementary Exercises: